2025 Meeting Dates and Topics
Meeting are held the 3rd Thursday of the month - January thru October at 7:00pm
at Crosswalk Community Church - 38600 Palmer Rd. Westland Mi
January 16 - "Topic to Be Determined" - Cheryl English
February 20 - "Zebra Swallowtail" - Sarah Roland
March 20 - Plant propagation and discussion on his garden - Elmer Grimm
March 31 - Grant Application Deadline -
April 17 - Michigan Native Butterfly Farm - Mary
April 17 - Announce Grant Award Recipients
May 15 - ZOOM Meeting - Butterfly monitoring transect using Ohio Leps Protocol/Pollard Yates monitoring method - Karen Menard from Metroparks Toledo
June 19 - Butterfly Habitat - Debbie Barson
July 12 - Garden Tours - Brenda Sattler, Westland, Garden Walk, 1 -4 pm
Elmer Grimm, Garden Walk, 10-4
July 19 - John Blair's Open Garden Walk, Brooklyn, 12:30 pm,
July 27 - 3 B's Native Garden, Detroit Audubon/ SEMBA Event 1 pm,
Corrado Park, 8500 Flamingo Blvd, Westland.
August 21 - TBD
September 18 - TBD
October 16 - Tea Cup Celebration and Pot Luck
Past Meeting Topics
Butterflies, Ants, and Aphids by Brenda Sattler
How to Make a Butterfly Garden by John Blair
Guess What Butterflies are Drinking, Plant Nectar and/or Fruit Juice by Caryle Spence
The Beauty of Native Plants by Drew Lathin, Owner of Creating Sustainable Landscapes
How We Can Help the Butterflies by Brenda Sattler
Good Bug, Bad Bug by Kristine Hahn, an MSU Extension Horticulture and Natural Resources Educator
Growing for Wildlife by John DeLisle, Owner/Ecologist at Natural Community Services
Designing and Maintaining Residential Native Landscapes by Bill Schneider - Owner of Wildtype Nursery
The Milkweed Community by Independent Naturalist and Blogger Don Drife, 'The Michigan Nature Guy'
Movie viewing of "Toward Harmony with Nature, Native Plants, and Natural Landscapes" - by Doug Tallamy, author of "Bringing Nature Home".
Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden by Brenda Sattler - Owner of Brenda's Butterfly Habitat and author. Then shopping at Barson's Greenhouse for butterfly host and nectar plants.
Field Trip to Brenda Sattler and John Blair's gardens
Maintaining Butterfly Gardens by SEMBA Pres., Carolyn Sohoza. The dos and don’ts of maintaining a butterfly garden.
Movie viewing of Wings of Life. An intimate look at flowers, butterflies, bats, & other flying pollinators and their critical importance to the world's food supply.